CORE Pack Program Overview


Saint Paul’s Lasallian Catholic school is a united community where diversity is respected, where no one is left out, and where everyone finds a place. Individuals within the school community recognize and accept another’s strengths and limitations. This core principle is expressed through the Lasallian ideal: “The Lasallian Family.”

The Catholic Opportunity for Responsive Education (CORE) program evolved through the collaborative efforts of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Office of Catholic Schools, and Saint Paul’s administrators, teachers, and parents, who were committed to providing an education experience for students with developmental disabilities to promote independence and self-determination within an inclusionary, Lasallian Catholic School environment. 

In keeping with Saint Paul’s Lasallian core principles, the Saint Paul’s community is committed to ensuring students in the CORE Pack Program steeped in the culture of Saint Paul’s and are full participants in the five Lasallian values, Faith in the Presence of God, Concern for the Poor and Social Justice, Respect for all Persons, Quality Education, and Inclusive Community.

The goals of the CORE Pack Program are to provide the following:

  • Lasallian Catholic education
  • Each student with the opportunity to be as fully integrated as possible into the total life of the school community
  • Opportunities for young adults with developmental disabilities to grow socially, spiritually, and academically
  • Opportunities for the entire Saint Paul’s community to gain an understanding of diversity and to value the unique gifts and talents of all students

The CORE Pack Program is based on a holistic, child-centered educational premise and focused on promoting successful outcomes for each student through (1) a comprehensive understanding of each child’s unique needs, (2) the identification of behaviors, benchmarks and achievements to be attained, and (3) the determination of methods for evaluating specific individual progress along this identified continuum of behaviors.

With this understanding, the program endorses the belief that universal competencies exist for all students which can be defined under the following six major developmental domains: cognitive/academic development, communication development, personal development, interpersonal development, career development, and spiritual development. This framework facilitates comprehensive planning for each student, clearly defined programs and services, and a vehicle for accountability regarding individual achievement and program efficacy.