Renovation of the Benilde Hall
Benilde Hall is the home for Religion and Spanish classrooms, the Campus Minister’s office, the Mothers’ Club Bookstore, and the Media Production classes such as The Paper Wolf, The Guerilla Wolves, and the Yearbook, The Conifer. In addition, the first floor houses a coffee station as well as an open seating area with hookups for cell phones, tablets, and laptops. With the renovation of this facility, new configurations allow for several additional classroom spaces around campus. The entire building is surrounded by a covered breezeway to provide shelter for inclement weather. An elevator was added in order to be ADA compliant.
The renovation began with the demolition of several walls on the first floor as well as a new entrance to the building. The building renovation was completed during the fall semester of the 2018-2019 school year. Interested in supporting the renovation? CLICK HERE. We have Naming Opportunities Available! For more information, call Danielle at 985-892-3200 ext 1970 or or Br. Ray Bulliard at 985-892-3200 ext 1901 or
May 2018
Outdoor patio being poured
The patio will be covered
Elevator shaft being constructed
New restroom facilities
New exterior stairwell
Renovations have begun!
April 2018
Concrete work for the stairwell.
Concrete work for the stairwell.
Forming the walls of the bathroom.
March 2018

Site work has begun. Preparations for the elevator addition and renovated bathrooms.

Long over due for this renovation!